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1. Sonntag im Monat

Mit Gradlon & Bea

120 CHF/Sonntag

Integral Sundays DE/EN

Unleash your true potential, fill your life with real connection, emotions & meaning.

Flyer Integral Sunday im Integralen Zentrum Basel

The day starts with subtle bodywork, followed by an introduction into shadow work. Together we will have a light meal and a short break. 

The afternoon will start with an introduction into integral theory and philosophy, but will also be open for your questions and answers. We end the day with a ruther bodyworks session 

followed by a meditation.

After the official end you are welcome to stay and enjoy the evening together.

This course will be held in German and English.

Door opening: 09.00 a.m.

Official Start: 09.30 a.m.

Official End: 5 p.m.


120.- CHF per Sunday


7. April

5. Mai

2. Juni

7. Juli

Registration to Gradlon:

079 205 21 55

With the integral approach to inner work, we enable you to live an intense, full, deep and meaningful life! 

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